A shrine to capitalism serves as the perfect setting for this compassionate tale of colliding misfits in which identities are reimagined, sub-levels fetishised, and secrets revealed. Join Norma as she steps into a strange and unexpected new life, rooted within the dark and mysterious subterranean parking bays beneath the Grove Mall.

Follow protagonist Norma as she tracks down the enigmatic siren Marnie and uncovers the veiled truth of her surroundings, only to find that neither her latest companions nor her senses can always be entirely trusted. However, even in the face of such uncertainty, an inner transformation is ripe to unfold—the question is, will you partake in the journey and be transformed too?

Jemima Mori is the semi-nocturnal alter ego of an English content writer based in Central Portugal. Her debut novella feels like softly lilting mallsoft vaporware that slowly envelops its reader. The result is a surreal sense of self-assurance that is sure to linger, long after eyes have left the final page. Bizarre and comforting in equal measure, PARKING is a book for those who wish to be immersed in the unusual and step out of the everyday for a little while.

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